Зашто се пас чеше?
Њега и одржавање

Зашто се пас чеше?

Does your dog scratch all the time? Is she losing her hair? What could be the reason? We understand in our article.

Itching causes great discomfort to the dog. She becomes restless, sleeps badly. The condition of the coat is deteriorating, and scratching becomes a gateway for the penetration of infections.

Itching is not normal. If the dog constantly itches, you need to find out the cause as soon as possible and eliminate it. What can cause itching?

  • Најезда паразита

If the dog began to sharply itch and bite the skin, most likely, she became infected with fleas. Examine your dog carefully. You may notice bites and black crumbs on her body: these are flea excrement. Perhaps you will see the parasites themselves. Also, when a dog is infected with fleas, bald patches form: this is because the dog often itches and “combs” the hair.

Fleas reproduce very quickly. The more of them, the more difficult it is to get rid of them, since they move from a dog to the attributes of an apartment and lay their eggs on a couch, in upholstered furniture, etc. Therefore, the fight against parasites must be started as soon as possible. Consult your veterinarian on how to treat your dog, and strictly follow the treatment schedule in the future.

Another “popular” parasite is the demodex mite, which provokes the disease demodicosis. This parasite is very dangerous for the dog and is much more difficult to get rid of than fleas. It lives in the skin, in the hair follicles, and you can’t see it without a microscope. With demodicosis, the dog suffers from unbearable itching, she develops bald patches, redness and rash, swelling. Demodicosis, like fleas, spreads very quickly, and the consequences of infection are more severe. Therefore, it is important not to waste time and immediately contact a veterinarian.

Зашто се пас чеше?

  • Неуравнотежена исхрана

Make sure your dog has a quality balanced diet and constant access to clean drinking water. With an imbalance in the body of nutrients and a lack of fluid, skin changes, peeling and itching may occur.

  • Неправилна нега

To care for the skin and coat of a dog, you need to choose professional products that are suitable for the individual characteristics of a particular pet. The use of inappropriate or poor-quality products leads to itching and deterioration of the coat and skin.

Regularly comb your pet, after moisturizing its coat with special sprays (for example, ISB ATAMI) and carry out grooming procedures that require the breed characteristics of the dog: haircuts, trimming, etc. All this contributes to the timely renewal of the coat and allows the skin to breathe.

  • Dermatitis, allergies

Itching may indicate allergic, contact, atopic, or other dermatitis. Usually, the skin not only itches, but also becomes inflamed, redness, peeling, and a rash appear.

Dermatitis can occur due to exposure to the skin of a negative factor, for example, due to friction with clothing. Or, for example, due to the inflammatory process in the skin folds, characteristic of many breeds.

The symptoms of dermatitis are very similar, and the treatment is always different. For diagnosis and treatment, contact your veterinarian.

  • Гљивичне болести

The most common of these is ringworm (trichophytosis). In an infected dog, hair falls out in patches, the skin becomes crusted and unbearably itchy. The danger also lies in the fact that lichen is transmitted to humans.

With fungal diseases, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible and disinfect the room where the dog lives.

Зашто се пас чеше?

  • Бактеријске болести

Itching can be caused by harmful bacteria (staphylococcus, pneumococcus, etc.) that affect the body due to a weakened immune system. An example of such a disease is superficial pyoderma. This is a dangerous and very serious disease that has several stages. It causes not only itching, but also severe hair loss, peeling of the skin, the formation of ulcers and a deterioration in general health. Treatment is stepwise – and the sooner it is started, the simpler its scheme will be.

  • Наследне болести

Many breeds of dogs (for example, sharpei, bulldogs, hairless dogs) are genetically prone to the formation of dermatitis. For prevention, you need to regularly monitor the condition of the coat and properly care for the pet, observe the correct conditions of detention.

To protect your dog from skin diseases you need:

– maintain a high-quality balanced diet, properly care for the dog;

– choose the right care products and carry out grooming procedures in a timely manner;

– strengthen immunity;

– protect the dog from stress;

– regularly conduct home examinations and visit a veterinarian for prevention purposes;

– timely and correctly treat wounds on the skin;

Avoid (or limit) contact with stray or sick animals whenever possible.

Зашто се пас чеше?

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