Зашто пас лиже испод репа

Зашто пас лиже испод репа

Many dog ​​owners have heard that this behavior is quite a typical manifestation of the animal’s concern for its own hygiene. But it happens that the dog often licks under the tail and this seems excessive. This behavior can signal health problems. How to help your pet get rid of discomfort?

The most common reasons why a dog licks under the tail

Aside from grooming, there are a few other causes, such as problems with the anal glands, skin infections, parasites, and allergies.

If the dog has problems with the anal glands, such as a blockage or infection due to the inability to properly expel the contents of the sacs, he may begin to lick the anus area more and more often. Another common sign that she has problems with her anal glands is her backside riding on the floor. Many animals do this to relieve pain and itching.

It is also possible that the dog has a skin infection. According to the Russell Creek Pet Clinic & Hospital, a fungal or bacterial skin infection can develop around the anus in dogs, especially if the skin is damaged. In the presence of an infection, contact with irritated areas of urine and feces will only increase discomfort or pain.Зашто пас лиже испод репа

Also, the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe anus of the animal can be irritated by parasites. Whipworms, tapeworms, or roundworms all live in the intestines of a dog if it is infected and can be passed into its anus or feces. 

External parasites such as fleas and ticks also often choose to live in the area of ​​​​the tail or anus of the pet. Sometimes a dog constantly licks under the tail due to the discomfort caused by these parasites.

How to help a dog

If your dog is constantly licking under his tail, the first thing to do is call your veterinarian and make an appointment. Before that, it is recommended not to let the pet lick the back of his body too actively, as this can only exacerbate the problem. 

Like scratching an insect bite or picking off a scab, excessive licking or scratching of the affected area, which may provide short-term relief, can worsen the situation and delay recovery. In such situations, you need to distract the dog with toys or your warmth and attention.

Дијагноза и лечење

Frequent or excessive licking can also indicate health problems. It is important to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. He will examine the pet and may do a series of tests to determine the exact cause and prescribe treatment.

When taking your dog to the veterinarian, it is best to take a stool sample with you. This can be helpful if the dog is suffering from internal parasites. If the problem is simpler, such as an inflammation of the anal glands or external parasites, a specialist can provide urgent help by emptying the pet’s anal glands by squeezing or prescribing drugs for parasites. 

Infections and parasites require immediate treatment. If your dog has an infection, he may need to take medication and even wear a cone collar to prevent him from licking the infected area while it heals.

If the veterinarian is unable to determine the cause of the licking, they will recommend further testing to check the pet for allergies. If this diagnosis is confirmed, it is necessary to discuss the issue of medicated pet food with a doctor. They will help to alleviate the suffering of the pet caused by allergies.

All loving owners pay attention to the typical and atypical forms of behavior of their pet. If the dog licks under the tail more often than usual, you need to take him to the veterinarian, who will tell you how to help your four-legged friend.

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