Када почети да тренирате своје штене

Када почети да тренирате своје штене

Many owners, especially beginners, have a lot of questions when they get a pet. One of them: “When to start training a puppy?”

To answer this question, it is important to understand how a puppy develops.

From 3 to 16 – 20 weeks, the puppy has the most sensitive memory. This means that during this period the baby needs to explore as many people, animals and situations as possible. In fact, this is the time that will determine the rest of the dog’s life.

So, it is logical that this particular age is the answer to the question “When to start training a puppy?”

Remember that training is not just about learning commands. You help the puppy understand people better. The kid begins to understand when he is praised (and for what), learns to distinguish between words and gestures, becomes attached to a person.

Do not forget that puppy training takes place exclusively in the game. And almost any prohibition can be replaced by a team that teaches the baby what to DO in this or that case. For example, instead of jumping on the owner who returned home, you can sit down – and get a lot of attention and delicious treats.

Don’t be afraid to start training your puppy from day one. If you do everything right, in the game, you will not deprive him of his childhood. But diversify the puppy’s life and find out better what he likes and what not, what he is afraid of, and what he is drawn to. And develop his ability to think.

Keep in mind that play behavior develops in a puppy at 3 to 12 weeks. And if you skip this period, in the future it will be quite difficult for you to play the dog. And the game is very important in training a dog of any age.

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