Када је мачка спремна за трудноћу?
Трудноћа и порођај

Када је мачка спремна за трудноћу?

Када је мачка спремна за трудноћу?

The cat becomes sexually mature by the time the first estrus begins, this happens at about 6-9 months. As a rule, purebred cats mature later than their non-breed counterparts. It is worth being alert if a cat at the age of 1,5 years did not have a single estrus – this may be a sign of the development of pathology. Determine puberty will help changes in the behavior of the pet.

Signs of puberty in cats:

  • A cat can suddenly become more affectionate or, conversely, more rude;

  • Loudly and long meows, purrs;

  • Rubs against all surfaces, rolls on the floor;

  • When you try to pet it, it falls on its paws and turns its tail away.

How is heat going

The estrus period depends on the specific animal and is 1-3 weeks. If this process takes longer in a cat, you should contact your veterinarian.

The whole period includes four stages:

  1. Проеструс – preparatory stage. It lasts one or two days. Usually at this time the cat becomes more affectionate and requires more attention;

  2. еструс – a favorable period for mating. The cat does not just purr or meow, but begins to literally scream, calling the cat. From a touch, she falls on her paws and takes her tail away. If you are annoyed by such behavior of a pet, in no case do not scold him, because instincts are to blame for this, the cat herself does not understand what is happening. Estrus lasts about 1 week;

  3. Интереструс – the period between estrus, if there was no ovulation. This is a short interval between the end and the next estrus. If there was mating and / or ovulation, this period is called diestrus;

  4. Анеструс – seasonal period of complete sexual dormancy. The frequency of estrus is completely individual and, as a rule, is inherited. Usually it is several months.

When to knit

A cat can become pregnant from the first estrus, but this is highly discouraged. Pregnancy at this time will bring complications and may end sadly.

The most optimal is mating at the age of about 1,5 years.

Some pet owners during the period of estrus of a cat before the age of mating give the pet hormonal drugs that suppress instincts. This is highly discouraged, as they can cause a number of diseases for both the cat itself and future kittens.

If you do not plan to knit a cat at all, it should be sterilized. It is better to do this before the first estrus or during the dormant period. Sterilization during estrus can be done only for special indications and with the permission of a veterinarian.

How to prepare a cat for mating

A cat that is being prepared for pregnancy and mating must be vaccinated against infectious diseases, including chlamydia. Vaccination should take place no earlier than 1 year before mating and no later than 1 month. If the cat will participate in breeding mating, it is worth doing tests at a veterinary clinic for the presence of hereditary diseases, having previously passed tests for immunodeficiency and feline leukemia.

The decision to breed is a responsible step. Preparation for this process should begin long before mating, because the health of the kittens largely depends on the health of the cat.


Ажурирано: 30. марта 2022

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