Топ 10. Највеће штуке на свету

Топ 10. Највеће штуке на свету

Most men have a hobby – fishing. This activity relaxes the representatives of the stronger sex and allows them to feel like earners. How nice it is to return home to the family with a good catch and feed loved ones with delicious fish! Going fishing, none of the men can even imagine what kind of catch awaits him! The men who caught the record-breaking pike were pleasantly surprised – of course, because not everyone comes across a 100-kilogram fish!

But everyone who caught a big fish took it for themselves. Many humane fishermen release large prey back into the water, naturally before taking a beautiful memorable picture with the fish. The fish were released into the water, and nothing is known about their future fate … In this article, we will learn about the largest pikes in the world and how they were caught.

10 From Sweden (1998), 15 kg

Топ 10. Највеће штуке на свету

September 1998 turned out to be good luck for Christer Mattsson. The man went fishing in the Baltic Sea (in the part belonging to Sweden) – he was ready for anything, but not for a pike weighing 15 kg! The man had a pike wobbler with him – it did not take a long time to pull out a representative of the underwater world. Pike perceived the bait as a live prey. Christer hurried to take a picture to share his find with others. One can only imagine the enthusiastic emotions of a man at that moment.

9. From the river Osthammer, 17 kg

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Fishing is an exciting activity, and sometimes even surprises. In Lake Osthammer, Switzerland, a man named Benny Petterson caught a big fish, although his silver lure was designed for a smaller catch. Fishing was successful – Benny pulled a 17 kg pike out of the river. “But how will I get her home?” – the man thought at that moment, because he had a small boat with him, to be more precise – a single boat. But after 10 minutes the fish was picked up and as a result it was listed in the Guinness Book.

8. From the river Grefirn, 25 kg

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On October 16, 1986, a significant event took place – a huge fish was caught in the Grefirn River, which is located in Germany. Previously, a little-known lake became famous all over the world, and Lothar Louis’s catch is still remembered, because he owns a trophy of serious size – a pike weighing 25 kg. The day of October 16 was cold, the mood was most likely neutral, and nothing foreshadowed such a significant catch. At that time, this catch was the largest, so representatives of the Guinness Book hurried to fix it.

7. From the Netherlands (2013), 27 kg

Топ 10. Највеће штуке на свету

The German fisherman Stefan Gockel was very lucky, and in the literal sense. On October 1, 2013, he caught a huge fish weighing 27 kg in a pond. and 1,20 m long. After 10 minutes, the pike was pulled out. But the fisherman turned out to be a humane person, and after a joint photo with the fish, he released the pike into the water. Such actions are typical for European fishermen. 8 years have passed since then – you can imagine to what size the fish has grown!

6. From the USA (1957), 32 kg

Топ 10. Највеће штуке на свету

An unusual pike was caught in New York in 1957. Muskinong fish differs from their relatives in a high degree of endurance and life expectancy. The fish was caught on the St. Lawrence River. These types of fish live only in fresh water, and fishermen know that they can only be caught on spinning. The caught fish surprised the fishermen, because it even exceeded its fellows – masconongs. Her weight was 32 kg, and the length was 132 cm. It took the fishermen 15 minutes to pull her out of the water. After memorable pictures and measurements, the fishermen decided to let the fish swim freely.

5. From Russia (1930), 35 kg

Топ 10. Највеће штуке на свету

Fishermen from Russia managed to catch a pike of impressive size in 1930. She weighed 35 kg. The fishermen eagerly captured the result of their record in a black and white photograph, looking at which everyone can be convinced of the authenticity of the story. In the photo, three men barely hold a 35 kg pike in their hands. In Russia and the CIS countries, there were many cases when fishermen returned home with huge caught fish weighing 15-40 kg. Fishing in Russia has always been successful, because the state is famous for its seas, lakes, and, of course, underwater inhabitants.

4. From Sortavala, 49 kg

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Large production went to fishermen from Russia. Fishermen fished on the lakes near Sortavala (an ancient town in Karelia, with a population of less than 200 people). Unexpectedly for them, a large pike weighing 000 kg pecked on the hook, and it was done by accident. The fishermen tried to pull another fish out of the water, but they got lucky. The situation came out quite funny: a large pike wanted to eat and pulled fish from the fishermen. It turned out that the caught fish became bait for large pike.

3. From Lake Uvildy, 56 kg

Топ 10. Највеће штуке на свету

Uvildy is one of the cleanest lakes in Russia. It is considered the most beautiful lake in the South Urals. The depth of the lake is 40 meters. The water here is not only clear, curative and clean, but the fish are also of impressive size. Catching predatory fish is always accompanied by fairy tales and legends, every fisherman dreams of catching a big fish, but not everyone succeeds. A large fish was caught from Uwild – weighing 56 kg. The pike was dragged ashore by the company, and they were delighted with what they saw! When they were going to go fishing, they certainly had no idea that they would become champions. Anglers said that they used special biting activators in the form of phermon additives to attract fish. Fans of fishing willingly go to Uvildy. Advice: experienced fishermen advise a place for fishing from the Chaika base. Opposite the base there is an underwater ridge coming from the Rainbow base. From the surface, you can see 2 islands, and the third one is underwater, located opposite the Seagull and is called the “bank”. Around the bank you can find quite large specimens of fish, including pike.

2. Pike Frederick the Second Barbarossa (1230 g), 140 kg

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Long-lived pikes of fantastic size often become heroes of legends. The huge pike that lived at the “court” of Frederick II Barbarossa lived to be 267 years old and weighed more than 130 kg. In 1230 (according to the data), Frederick II himself caught this large fish, but he did not cook dinners from it, but planted a gilded ring on it and released the catch into Lake Bjöckingen. It is not known why he did this – it looks like a symbolic marriage with a fish. Or she gave him such great joy that Frederick the Second Barbaross decided to give her thanks. Whatever it was, the pike lived longer than Barbarossa – it was caught in 1497, while it had an impressive size: it weighed almost 140 kg and was 6 meters long.

1. Pike Boris Godunov (1794), 60 kg

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A similar story took place in Patriotic history. The pike of Tsar Boris Fedorovich was caught in 1794 when they were cleaning the Tsaritsyno Ponds. On the gill cover, the researchers found an engraved inscription: “Planted by Tsar Boris Fedorovich.” The Russian Tsar Boris Godunov ruled from 1598 to 1605, it follows that the pike caught were more than 200 years old. Her exact weight is not known for certain, but there is information that she weighed 60 kg. Unfortunately, how the fate of this pike ended is unknown, and the ring, apparently, which the king gave to his prey, was taken away.

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