Топ 10 најскупљих голубова на свету

Топ 10 најскупљих голубова на свету

All over the world there are lovers of pigeons, these beautiful decorative birds that delight with their plumage or the ability to fly quickly. Historians believe that the domestication of pigeons took place about 5 centuries ago. Since then, hundreds of breeds have been bred, differing from each other in habits and appearance. If initially they were bred for practical use, now many are engaged in them “for the soul”.

It is a great happiness for someone to watch these snow-white birds flutter against the background of a bright blue sky. Experienced pigeon breeders try to constantly replenish their collections. Given the fact that there are about a thousand domestic pigeon breeds alone, they have plenty to choose from.

True professionals can purchase and provide decent care for rare breeds. The most expensive pigeons in the world are not affordable for everyone, but they will undoubtedly be the pearl of any collection. What is special about them and what is their price you will learn from our article.

10 Volzhsky tape

Топ 10 најскупљих голубова на светуThe breed was bred by Russian breeders at the beginning of the 20th century. For this, lop-winged pigeons, red-breasted and Rzhev pigeons were crossed. They were called Volga because most of them were formed in the cities of the middle Volga.

These are small birds with a stately physique, with a beautiful range of plumage. Their color is cherry, sometimes yellow in combination with a white tint. A distinctive feature is a light stripe on the tail, which runs across the tail (1-2 cm wide).

If you deal with it correctly and regularly, Volga belt can show its flying qualities.

The advantage of this breed is calmness, they always behave with restraint and quietness. These pigeons are excellent parents.

Cost – at least $ 150 per pigeon, they can cost more.

9. лепезасто овенчано

Топ 10 најскупљих голубова на светуA very beautiful breed of pigeons with a lush crest in the form of an evening. лепезасто овенчано differs in a special color: from above its body is blue or bluish, and from below it is brown. On the wings there is a white stripe located across, ending with a grayish dash.

Another of its features is its size: it weighs about 2,5 kg, grows up to 74 cm in length. It lives in New Guinea and on the islands next to it. Prefers to be on the ground, choosing wetlands. If he feels danger, he flies up a tree. Eats seeds, fruits, berries, young leaves.

The number of these magnificent birds is rapidly decreasing, because. their habitats are being destroyed, and the pigeons themselves are being hunted. Therefore, this is one of the most expensive and rare breeds, it is almost impossible to find them.

But if you manage to find this pigeon, you will have to pay at least $ 1800 for it.

8. golden mottled

Топ 10 најскупљих голубова на светуIt lives in the tropical forests of the islands of Viti Levu, Gau, Oavlau and others belonging to the state of Fiji.

golden mottled – small in size, only about 20 cm. But it is incredibly beautiful. The plumage is yellow, with a hint of green. The beak and rings around the eyes are bluish-green in color. It feeds on insects, berries and fruits. They usually lay 1 egg.

This breed of pigeon prefers to lead a solitary life and rarely gets into the camera lens.

7. Камен са оштрим врхом

Топ 10 најскупљих голубова на светуThis breed lives in Australia, deep in the mainland, in its most arid and desert regions. They have an unusually beautiful brown plumage that almost merges with the surface of the rocky desert.

Камен са оштрим врхом differs in special endurance and searches for forage in the hottest hours when other birds and animals hide from pernicious sunshine.

After the end of the rainy season, i.e. from September to November, they begin their mating season. The female builds a kind of nest, choosing a secluded place under a stone and enclosing it with grass. She lays 2 eggs there. Both parents incubate them for 16-17 days. It takes just a week for the chicks to learn to feed and fly on their own.

6. Руффед

Топ 10 најскупљих голубова на светуједини представник maned pigeons, its second name is nicobar pigeon. He lives in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, as well as on other small uninhabited islands, where there are no predators, in the jungle.

He is very handsome: there is something like a mantle around his neck. This necklace of long feathers, shimmering with emerald and azure, under the rays of the bright sun, it shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

The maned pigeon is not very fond of flying. It grows up to 40 cm in length, weighs up to 600 g. Most of the time these birds spend on the ground, only because of the approaching danger they can flutter up a tree. In search of seeds, fruits, nuts and berries, they can unite in flocks and fly from one island to another.

Despite the fact that this breed is not rare, the natural habitat of birds has recently been destroyed, and the pigeons themselves are caught for sale or used for food. If this continues, this species may disappear.

5. English cross

Топ 10 најскупљих голубова на светуДруго име - pigeon nun. This is a decorative breed of pigeons, which was bred in the UK. He has a hood of feathers on his head, which is why his breed was called “Nun”. When flying, they open their wings so that a cross becomes visible on them, hence the second name.

English cross was bred as a racing bird, so he needs constant training. They are snow-white, but the head, apron and tail feathers are black.

4. Pigeon postman, up to $400

Топ 10 најскупљих голубова на светуIn 2013, a carrier pigeon grown in Belgium was sold for almost 400 thousand dollars, the exact price is 399,6 thousand. This bird is Leo Eremans, a breeder.

Скуп pigeon postman went to a Chinese businessman. At that time he was only a year old, he was named Bolt in honor of the champion Usain Bolt. It was planned to be used for breeding pigeons, because. he has an excellent pedigree, at one time they gave 237 thousand dollars for Bolt’s parents.

3. Racing pigeon “Invincible Spirit”, NT$7

Топ 10 најскупљих голубова на светуЗа 1992 годину pigeon named «Invincible spirit” sold for NT$7,6 million. It was a 4-year-old male who won an international competition in Barcelona.

A racing pigeon named “Invincible Spirit” was sold for $160, which was a record at the time.

2. Racing pigeon Armando, 1 euros

Топ 10 најскупљих голубова на светуRacing Pigeon Armando became the best long-distance pigeon and the most expensive in the world.

He did not even dream of selling for that kind of money. The owners were counting on 400-500 thousand, at best – 600 thousand. But two buyers from China began to bargain for this champion, and in just an hour the rates increased from 532 thousand to 1,25 million euros or 1,4 million. dollars. But Armando is worth that kind of money, because. he has won the last three major races.

Interestingly, it was bought not for racing, but for breeding fast pigeons. Now Armando is 5 years old, but racing pigeons produce offspring up to 10 years old, and can live up to 20 years.

1. Vinstra Carrier Pigeons, $2

Топ 10 најскупљих голубова на светуVinstra carrier pigeons become one of the most expensive. In 1992, the Dutch breeder of elite carrier pigeons, Peter Winstra, set up an Internet auction. Through a well-known Belgian website, he sold several birds for a total of $2,52 million.

became the most expensive pigeon Dolce Vita, што се преводи као „Слатки живот“. He passed to the Chinese businessman Hu Zhen Yu for 329 thousand dollars. He is the winner of various exhibitions and races.

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