Топ 10 највећих сисара на Земљи

Топ 10 највећих сисара на Земљи

Mammals are a special class of vertebrates that differ from others in that they feed their young with milk. Biologists have come to the conclusion that there are currently 5500 known living species.

Animals live everywhere. Their appearance is quite diverse, but in general it corresponds to the four-legged plan of the structure. It is worth noting that mammals adapt to life in completely different habitats.

They also play a rather large role in human life and activities. Many act as food, and some are actively used as laboratory research.

We present you a list of the 10 largest mammals of the Earth (Australia and other continents): carnivores and herbivores of the world.

10 American manatee, up to 600 kg

Топ 10 највећих сисара на Земљи American manatee – This is a fairly large animal that lives in the water. Its average length is about 3 meters, although some individuals reach 4,5.

Each cub, just born, can weigh about 30 kilograms. Young individuals are painted in dark blue tones, and already adults have a bluish-gray color. It is worth noting that these mammals are a bit like fur seals.

They are adapted to life only in water. You can meet in the shallow waters of the Atlantic coast, North, as well as Central and South America.

It can easily live in both salt and fresh water. For normal living, he needs only 1 – 2 meters of depth. It is worth noting that basically these animals prefer a solitary lifestyle, but sometimes they can still gather in large groups. They feed mainly only on herbaceous vegetation that grows at the bottom.

9. Polar bear, 1 ton

Топ 10 највећих сисара на Земљи Поларни медвед – this is one of the amazing predators on our planet. Currently considered an endangered species. It is often referred to as “umka"Или"полярный медведь“. Prefers to live in the North and eat fish. It is worth noting that the polar bear sometimes attacks humans. Many see it in the territory where walruses and seals live.

Интересантна чињеница: it owes its large size to a distant ancestor that died out many years ago. It was a giant polar bear that was about 4 meters long.

Polar bears are distinguished by large fur, which protects them from severe frosts and makes them feel great in cold water. It is both white and slightly greenish.

In addition to the fact that the bear is still a clumsy animal, it is able to travel long distances – up to 7 km per day.

8. Giraffe, up to 1,2 t

Топ 10 највећих сисара на Земљи Жирафа – This is an animal that belongs to the order of artiodactyls. Everyone knows him because of his large and unusually long neck.

Due to the large growth, the load on the circulatory system also increases. Their hearts are quite big. It passes about 60 liters of blood per minute. The body of a giraffe is quite muscular.

Few people know that they have rather sharp eyesight, as well as hearing and smell, this helps them hide from the enemy in advance. He can see his relatives for a few more kilometers.

Mostly found in Africa. In the 20th century, their numbers decreased significantly. Currently can be seen in nature reserves. Giraffes have always been considered absolutely herbaceous animals. Most preferred is acacia.

7. Bison, 1,27 t

Топ 10 највећих сисара на Земљи Бизон – This is one of the amazing animals that lives on our planet. It has always been a very large, powerful and incredibly beautiful herbaceous mammal. In appearance, they are often confused with bison.

Most of the time they live in North America. After the onset of the ice age, their population increased significantly. There were excellent conditions for their existence and reproduction.

It is worth noting that scientists came to the conclusion that it was from the European bison that bison were formed. The appearance of this animal is impressive. Their head is quite large and powerful, they have sharp horns.

The coat color is mostly brown or dark grey. The bison feeds on moss, grass, branches, juicy green foliage.

6. White rhino, 4 t

Топ 10 највећих сисара на Земљи бели носорог considered one of the largest representatives of this family. Currently, the habitat is significantly reduced. Can be seen in South Africa and also in Zimbabwe.

The first species of rhinoceros was discovered in 1903. Murchison Falls National Park played a rather large role in conservation. It is worth noting that these mammals prefer to live in small groups. Their rhythm of life depends on the weather.

In sunny weather, they prefer to take shelter in the shade of trees, and in normal temperatures they can graze most of their day in the pasture.

Unfortunately, Europeans at one time heavily hunted these animals. They believed that in their horns there is a miraculous power. This is what led to the reduction of their numbers.

5. Behemoth, 4 t

Топ 10 највећих сисара на Земљи Нилски коњ – This is a mammal that belongs to the order of pigs. They mostly prefer a semi-aquatic lifestyle. They rarely go out to land, only to feed.

They live in Africa, the Sahara, the Middle East. Despite the fact that this animal is quite famous, little has been studied. Previously used as food by African Americans. Many were bred as livestock.

4. Southern elephant seal 5,8 t

Топ 10 највећих сисара на Земљи Sea Elephant considered a true seal without ears. These are pretty amazing creatures that not much is known about.

Deep sea diver and traveler who loves long distances. The amazing thing is that during childbirth they all gather in one place.

It is worth noting that they got this name because of their inflatable muzzles, which look like an elephant’s trunk. Currently found in the North Pacific.

Elephants are considered carnivores. They can perfectly eat fish, squid and many cephalopods. Most of them spend in the water, and come ashore for only a few months.

3. Kasatka, 7 t

Топ 10 највећих сисара на Земљи Кит-убица known to almost everyone – it is a mammal that lives in the sea. This name appeared in the 18th century. You can see it in the waters of the Arctic and Antarctic.

The shape of the spots on their body is purely individual, which makes it possible to identify them. It is worth noting that, for example, completely white or black individuals can be found in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. In 1972, scientists discovered that they can hear perfectly. Their range is from 5 to 30 kHz.

The killer whale is considered a predatory animal. It feeds on fish as well as shellfish.

2. African elephant, 7 t

Топ 10 највећих сисара на Земљи Африцан слон considered one of the largest mammals on Earth. He lives on dry land. His strength and power have always aroused special interest and admiration among people.

Indeed, it has huge dimensions – it reaches almost 5 meters in height, and its weight is about 7 tons. Animals have a large massive body and a small tail.

You can meet in the Congo, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and other places. He eats grass. Recently, scientists have come to the conclusion that elephants are very fond of peanuts. Those who live in captivity willingly use it.

1. Blue whale, 200 t

Топ 10 највећих сисара на Земљи Плави кит – This is one of the largest mammals on our planet. It has long been proven that it originated from land artiodactyls.

For the first time this name was given to him in 1694. For a long time, animals were not studied at all, because scientists had no idea how they look. The skin of the blue whale is gray with spots.

You can meet them in completely different parts of the world. They live in abundance in the southern and northern hemispheres. It feeds mainly on plankton, fish and squid.

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