наранџасти рак
Акваријумске врсте бескичмењака

наранџасти рак

The dwarf orange crayfish (Cambarellus patzcuarensis “Orange”) belongs to the Cambaridae family. Endemic to Lake Patzcuaro, located in the highlands of the Mexican state of Michoacán. It is a close relative of the Mexican dwarf crayfish.

Dwarf orange crayfish

наранџасти рак Dwarf orange crayfish, scientific and trade name Cambarellus patzcuarensis “Orange”

Cambarellus patzcuarensis «Orange»

наранџасти рак Crayfish Cambarellus patzcuarensis “Orange”, belongs to the family Cambaridae

Одржавање и нега

It is not demanding on the composition of water, it feels great in a wide range of pH and dH values. The main condition is clean running water. The design should provide for a large number of shelters, for example, ceramic hollow tubes, where the Orange Crayfish can hide during molting. Compatible with related species Montezuma pygmy crayfish, some shrimp and peaceful non-predatory fish.

You should not keep a large number of crayfish in one aquarium, otherwise there is a threat of cannibalism. There should not be more than 200 individuals per 7 liters. It feeds mainly on protein products – pieces of fish meat, shrimp. With enough food, it does not pose a threat to other inhabitants.

The optimal combination of males and females is 1:2 or 1:3. Under these conditions, crayfish give birth every 2 months. Juveniles appear as small as 3 mm and can be eaten by aquarium fish.

Оптимални услови притвора

Општа тврдоћа – 6–30°дГХ

Вредност пХ — 6.5–9.0

Температура — 10-25°С

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