Мој пас се плаши мушкараца: шта да радим

Мој пас се плаши мушкараца: шта да радим

If the dog shakes or cringes in the presence of males, do not despair – this phenomenon occurs quite often. Sometimes dogs are afraid of men. There are reasons for this, and experts know how to correct and adapt the animal.

The dog is afraid of men: why

Мој пас се плаши мушкараца: шта да радимThe reasons for the fear of men that many dogs have is not entirely clear. The most likely reasons why a dog may feel uncomfortable in a male society may be as follows:

Досадашња искуства

Perhaps the animal does not trust men due to past abuse. However, as The Spruce Pets writes, most often this is not the case. Another reason could be dogs’ tendency to generalize based on bad experiences, according to Cesar’s Way. A single case when a dog was frightened of a man in the past can cause her to develop fear of all representatives of the stronger sex.

Недостатак социјализације

Some animals may not have been properly socialized as puppies. According to I Heart Dogs, the age of 7 weeks to 4 months is critical for puppies. It is not surprising if an adult dog develops a phobia about something that he did not encounter during this period. Even a puppy owned by a man can develop a fear of other men if he has not met with a sufficiently large number of other representatives of the stronger sex.

Men look more intimidating

With their larger size and deeper voice, males can seem more intimidating to dogs than females or children. They tend to speak louder and often use more active gestures, which can be intimidating to some dogs.


According to Cesar’s Way, the smell of male hormones may also have something to do with it. Dogs have a strong sense of smell, and the smell of a man can seem threatening to them. The scent of a woman, on the other hand, may remind them of the scent of their mother who nursed them, which in dogs is usually associated with comfort and safety.

Men with certain traits

It is possible that the dog is not afraid of all men, but with certain traits. Maybe the dog is actually afraid of men with beards, men of a certain height, men in uniforms, men with hats, or any other features.

Dogs with a highly developed possessive instinct

Four-legged friends often show a possessive instinct towards certain people, especially if the hostess is the only person in the house. The dog may seek to defend it fiercely. Animals can show a tendency to jealousy, so the dog can behave unfriendly towards a man who gets the attention or affection of the mistress.

How to help your dog accept men

Мој пас се плаши мушкараца: шта да радимIf a dog reacts aggressively to men, it is best to seek the help of a professional trainer or animal psychologist who can help you deal with such behavioral problems safely. To prevent the dog from biting anyone, it is worth keeping it on a leash when going outside with it. Even if she has never bitten, fear-based aggression makes training much more difficult.

If the dog is not aggressive, you can reduce its sensitivity by calling on male friends for help and doing the following:

  • Invite a man to visit, put him with a dog in the same room. He must not make eye contact with her or otherwise acknowledge her presence.
  • The owner needs to throw a treat to the dog so that she has to walk past the man when she runs after him.
  • When the dog approaches the man, have him hold out the treat. Except for this action, he should sit still, silent and ignore the attention of the animal.
  • You need to praise the dog and generously reward him if he behaves calmly in the presence of a man in order to form positive associations.
  • A man can start talking to the dog, gradually moving to games and communication with her.
  • It’s best for the man to be in the same plane as the dog so as not to appear too big or intimidating when he gets down on his knee to pet it.

Don’t rush. If the dog seems scared, do not put pressure on him and force him to get acquainted. You can gradually introduce him to different males until the dog becomes more comfortable with them in general.

If your dog seems to hate or fear men, don’t worry. Overcoming phobias in pets is not always easy, but if the owners take their time and show patience, most dogs manage to understand that they have nothing to fear.

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