Како знати да ли ће се вашем псу допасти укус хране

Како знати да ли ће се вашем псу допасти укус хране

Does the taste of dog food matter, or should you only be concerned about its nutritional value? In fact, both are important when it comes to feeding your dog. You can evaluate the nutritional value by examining the label. Luckily, you don’t have to taste it yourself to test the taste of dog food! Here’s how you can figure out what dogs really want for dinner.

Taste differences between wet and dry dog ​​food

Dogs have six times fewer taste buds than humans, according to PetMD. So while they can distinguish between bitter, salty, sweet, and sour tastes, the determining factors in their enthusiasm for what they have on the menu are, for the most part, the smell and texture of the food.Како знати да ли ће се вашем псу допасти укус хране

In terms of texture, dog food comes in two varieties: wet and dry. For pet owners, both types have their benefits. Wet food is better at replenishing fluid in the animal’s body. This is good for dogs that don’t drink enough water or live in hot climates. Wet food is good for older pets because it is easier to chew. Dry foods are generally more suitable for dogs who like to snack a little throughout the day.

But what does your dog think about this? Wet food has a stronger flavor, so some dogs may like the smell and taste of meat, such as beef, while others may not like strong-smelling foods, preferring something lighter instead, such as chicken and vegetable dishes. .

To determine which flavor your dog likes best, ask your veterinarian or local pet store for free samples or buy one can of each flavor. Once you’ve found a few foods that meet your dog’s needs and delight his taste buds, consider implementing a nutritional routine such as her favorite wet food in the morning and dry food in the evening. Whatever feeding regimen you choose for your pet, it is important to stick to the chosen regimen, even when you are trying new foods, so as not to upset his digestive system, as the wrong transition to a new food can lead to problems.

Ultimately, your dog will let you know if his food tastes good. Just like humans, some dogs are more picky eaters and prefer not to eat food they don’t find appetizing. In this situation, several different flavors of the same complete food can come in handy to help you determine what she prefers. If you give your dog a new food and he doesn’t eat it right away, it doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t like the taste. It may take her a couple of days to realize that this is now her new diet, after which she will again begin to pounce on her food, as before.

One more piece

Finally, don’t forget to properly store wet and dry food, wash dog bowls after each use, and keep a close eye on your pet’s reaction to various odors. Always read the label of a dog food to make sure it contains everything your dog needs. A proper diet and careful attention to your pet’s preferences will help you find food that she enjoys and will help keep her healthy for years to come.

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