Како се бринути за штене?
Све о штенету

Како се бринути за штене?

Provide security

Before you bring your puppy home, there are some safety precautions you need to take to ensure he doesn’t hurt himself:

  • Hide all electrical wires, because the pet will study the world around it, including with the help of teeth;

  • Remove breakable objects higher that the puppy can drop or knock over;

  • Hide bottles of household chemicals;

  • Make the bin inaccessible to him or purchase a heavy and high tank.

If necessary, you can even enclose part of the dwelling with a partition so that the puppy can only move around in a safe area.

Prepare places to sleep and eat

The place to sleep should be soft and comfortable. It is best to place it where the floor is easy to clean, because at first the puppy will not have time to go to the toilet on the street. In addition, there should be no drafts in this place so that the pet does not get sick.

The puppy will need two bowls: for food and for water. Metal ones are best, as they do not break and are easy to clean. In order not to spoil the posture of the dog, it is better to place the bowls on a special stand with adjustable height. Dishes should be placed at the level of the pet’s elbows. You should always feed him in the same place where no one will interfere with him: for example, in the corner of the kitchen or hallway, but not at the entrance to the dwelling.

Buy toys

Puppies grow and develop, they are full of energy, and it is best to direct it in the right direction so that furniture, shoes and other items not intended for games do not suffer. To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is worth buying more toys for your pet.

The main thing is that they are safe: in particular, that small parts that can be choked on cannot be bitten off from them. Some animals are delighted with toys with squeakers, but be prepared to put such items away every night where the puppy can’t reach them. Due to his age, he will not yet understand why it is impossible to play and make noise at night.

Don’t overdo walking

On the one hand, the puppy must move a lot, because it is a growing organism. On the other hand, while he is growing, you should not exhaust him too much with games. It is necessary to take the pet outside only after the permission of the veterinarian. At first, walking should be short – about 60 minutes a day for a total of two to four walks. On the street, a pet should be allowed to communicate with non-aggressive dogs if it is fully vaccinated.

Pick a quality food

You should definitely ask the breeder what the puppy was fed with, and at first give him the same food. If desired, the diet can be changed, but for this it is necessary to consult with a veterinarian and wait a few weeks. The transition to a new food should be gradual, otherwise the puppy is threatened with an upset stomach.

Up to four months, the puppy should be fed three to four times a day, and then it can be transferred to two meals a day.

Stock up on the necessary accessories

As soon as a puppy appears in the house, you need to purchase products to care for him:

  • Comb or brush (depending on the type of dog’s coat);

  • Nail cutter;

  • Special shampoo for puppies;

  • Oral care products;

  • Peškir.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the collar: if it is chosen incorrectly, it can cause injury to the pet. It is necessary to buy a collar with a margin, not forgetting that the dog will grow. You can hang a medallion with contact numbers on it in case the puppy runs away or gets lost.

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