Колико мачка тежи нормално и како јој помоћи да изгуби тежину

Колико мачка тежи нормално и како јој помоћи да изгуби тежину

Simple Ways Your Cat Can Lose Weight

“Our cats are getting rounder,” said Kerry Marshall, MD and EVP of Customer Satisfaction at Troupaignon. “This is partly because cats that used to be indoors but outdoors are now indoors all the time and thus get much less exercise.”

To return a cat to normal weight, it is necessary to pay attention to both its physical activity and nutrition. Here are some tips from Dr. Marshall. 

First you need to check the physical condition of the cat. Many sites have photos of cats from different angles, from above and from the side, to help determine how much your pet should weigh and if she is overweight. “In general,” explains Dr. Marshall, “the ribs and spine of the cat should be palpable. And feel the area under the tummy, in this place the fat is deposited most often.

Then make sure you are giving your cat quality food. “Cheap food may have more fat or not enough nutrients,” notes Dr. Marshall. Research also shows that it’s not just the quantity, but also the quality of the food. Better quality cat food contains more protein and nutrients that are easier to digest. In addition, low-quality food is often sprayed with fat to increase its palatability, which is not the case with more expensive brands.

Your veterinarian will recommend good brands of food, as well as advice on the right serving size for your pet, although most quality products already have such recommendations on the packaging.

Don’t forget about physical activity! “Cats are one of the few pets that love to play and have a strong play instinct—the predator instinct,” says Dr. Marshall. 

Try to play with your cat and keep her active for at least 10 minutes a day.

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