Колико коштају мачке?
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Колико коштају мачке?

Колико коштају мачке?

  1. Show class

    Animals that fully comply with breed standards, with great show potential. The most stringent requirements are imposed on kittens of this class. These are the best representatives of their breed, so these kittens are the most expensive. When buying, it is recommended to consult with a felinologist;

  2. Brid class

    The middle class, most often put up for sale. Designed for breeding. The price for such kittens, as a rule, is lower than for the show class, but higher than for the pet class;

  3. Pet class

    Pets that do not have the right to participate in the exhibition due to non-compliance with breed standards; They are also not suitable for breeding. Therefore, these kittens are the most affordable prices.

The main thing to remember when buying: do not chase cheapness.

Even if you are not planning an exhibition career for your pet, you should not purchase an animal from an ad or in the bird market. You can buy a kitten cheaply, but he will have chronic diseases, the treatment of which will be much more expensive. If you want a purebred kitten, but your budget is limited, you can take advantage of the fact that in the regions the prices for kittens are lower than for the same breeds in the capital. In addition, most often buy kittens, which are only 2-3 months old, with age, the cost of animals decreases.

Approximate prices for kittens

The breed and class of a kitten determine its value. Too low a price, as well as too high, should alert you. Here are the approximate prices for kittens of popular breeds:

Маине Цоон. Prices start at 25 rubles for cats and 45 for kittens. One of the most popular breeds, it is distinguished by its large size, besides, in the appearance of the Maine Coon there is something from a wild cat;

Шкотски клопоухи. The cost depends on the color: kittens with a silver color cost from 15 thousand, with a gold color – from 20 thousand rubles;

Бенгал. Marble kittens cost from 15 thousand, and if the color of the kitten has rosettes on gold, then it will cost more. Double the price for a kitten with the right to breed;

Сфинга. Prices start from 25 thousand rubles, but due to a rare color or heterochromia, they can increase several times;

Савана. This is a very expensive breed: a kitten will cost half a million rubles or more, and girls are much more expensive. The price is due to the rarity of the litter and the complexity of caring for newborns;

Манчкин. Short-legged kittens cost from 45 thousand rubles. However, other breeds with this feature have now appeared, so you can count on a price reduction;

Хималајска мачка. In many ways it resembles the Persians, but has a different color and blue eyes. Kittens will cost customers at least 30 thousand rubles;

Египатски мау. One of the oldest breeds, has a characteristic spotted color on the skin and coat. The cost of kittens of this breed starts from 25 thousand rubles;

Абисинска мачка. The price depends on the color – sorrel, wild, fawn and blue. The last two are considered rare and therefore more expensive. The price of a kitten is from 25 thousand rubles;

Руска плава. In a metropolis, such kittens cost an average of 25 thousand rubles, but in small towns and regions, kittens of this breed can be bought for 15 thousand rubles.

15 јун 2017

Ажурирано: 19. маја 2022

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