Һрањење штенета од 1 месеца

Һрањење штенета од 1 месеца

Proper feeding of a puppy from 1 month is very important, because in early childhood the puppy’s eating habits are formed, and the foundations of health for life are laid. How to feed a puppy from 1 month?


How many times a day to feed a puppy from 1 month

Feeding a puppy from 1 to 2 months should take place 1 time in 3 hours. Gradually it will be possible to reduce the frequency of feeding, but not at this age. Such frequent feeding of a puppy at 1 month is due to the fact that the baby’s stomach is still small, but at the same time, a lot of calories and nutrients are required.

What to feed a puppy from 1 month

A puppy’s diet from 1 month old may include dairy products, meat and vegetables. It is extremely undesirable to give dry food to such babies. If such a need arises, buy industrial food created specifically for feeding a puppy from 1 month old.

When feeding a puppy from 1 month old, the meat is crushed or passed through a meat grinder. Fish can be given, but not more than 2 times a week, only boiled and carefully boned.

Feeding a puppy from 1 month old involves the issuance of a boiled chicken egg (yolk) once a week.

Vegetables for puppies at 1 month old are fed either chopped or mashed.

Also, in feeding puppies from 1 month, vitamins and mineral supplements should be present. However, before giving them, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian.

How to introduce changes in puppy feeding from 1 month

All changes in feeding a puppy of 1 month old are introduced gradually. Each new product is added, starting with a tiny piece. So the monthly puppy will get used to the new feeding components.

And be sure to monitor the baby’s health, well-being, and the work of his digestive tract.

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