Могу ли свом псу дати кокошја јаја?

Могу ли свом псу дати кокошја јаја?

Eggs are an excellent source of protein. They are very tasty both boiled and fried, in an omelet for breakfast, as part of many desserts, and sometimes they are a great addition to a burger. However, raw and undercooked eggs can put a person at risk of contracting dangerous bacteria such as salmonella. What about four-legged friends?

Are eggs a safe food for dogs and what precautions should be taken regarding this popular food?

Can dogs give eggs?

Dogs can eat eggs! This product is rich in protein and contains many essential fatty and amino acids. All this makes them a delicious and healthy snack when cooked. In fact, sometimes eggs even help with indigestion in dogs and are an important source of protein in some commercial dog foods.

As with any treat, moderation is important when feeding homemade egg dishes to your dog. Despite the fact that this is a very useful product, a pet can overeat eggs or gain excess weight with constant overfeeding. Before introducing eggs into your dog’s diet, it’s important to ask your veterinarian how to do this in a safe manner.

Могу ли пси јести сирова пилећа јаја?

If boiled eggs can be a nutritious and healthy treat for a dog, then raw eggs are dangerous. Through them, pets, like people, can become infected with salmonella, which can then be transmitted to their owners, especially if the latter have a weakened immune system. But besides bacteria, there is another threat that raw eggs pose to a dog’s health: biotin deficiency.

Могу ли свом псу дати кокошја јаја?

Амерички кинолошки клуб (АКЦ) explains: “Raw eggs contain an enzyme that binds to biotin and prevents it from being absorbed into the body.” Since biotin is a vitamin responsible for supporting critical bodily functions, including digestion, skin health and metabolism, its deficiency puts your four-legged friend at risk of serious complications.

However, if the dog still eats a raw egg, do not panic. Although the above problems are quite serious, they are rare. If a pet has eaten a raw egg for the first time, it will be an unfamiliar product for its digestive system. Therefore, it may experience problems such as diarrhea or vomiting for one or two days after consumption. If this problem occurs, you should definitely contact your veterinarian.

It is important to monitor the condition of the dog for a week after he eats a raw egg. If your pet has more serious and prolonged problems, such as lethargy, pale gums, or indigestion, contact your veterinarian immediately. These are clear signs that the dog has contracted salmonella or food poisoning.

How to cook eggs for a dog

First of all, it is worth remembering the simplicity and safety of the dish. A dog can make scrambled eggs, but a hard-boiled whole egg can choke. The boiled egg should be cut into small pieces that will be easy for her to chew and swallow.

Dog eggs should be cooked without any of the additives that people usually use to enhance the taste, i.e. without salt, oil or butter. According to the AKC, salt “may increase water retention in the body, potentially dangerous for dogs prone to heart disease.”

Meanwhile, fats, such as vegetable oil and butter, can contribute to weight gain, which puts the dog at risk of developing проблемисаздравље, Напоменасгојазно. Among them are diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, osteoarthritis, respiratory problems, and others.

Before serving the pet, the eggs must be cooled. Most dogs won’t think about the temperature of food before swallowing it, and can burn their mouths if they eat a hot egg. In addition, you need to count the calories consumed by your pet in order to fit into his daily allowance.

When adding eggs to your diet, make sure that extra snacks are no more than 10 percent of your daily calorie intake. An exception can only be made by instructions from a veterinarian. And while eggs can be quite nutritious for a dog, they need many other nutrients to be healthy and happy, so feeding your pet is always preferable. уравнотеженхранитиPremium-класа.

When cooked properly and in moderation, eggs can be a great addition to a dog’s diet. It is important to stick to simple recipes and do not forget to cut boiled eggs into small pieces. This brand new healthy treat can be included in the pet’s diet for the rest of his life.

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