Могу ли пси да имају путер од кикирикија

Могу ли пси да имају путер од кикирикија

There is no doubt that dogs love peanut butter, but how healthy is it? While this ingredient is indeed found in many dog ​​treats, the answer may surprise owners. A summary of whether peanut butter can be given to a dog, as well as some safe alternatives, is later in the article.

Xylitol and Other Dangers of Peanut Butter

Могу ли пси да имају путер од кикирикија Many brands of peanut butter contain ingredients that are not healthy at all and even harmful to dogs. And first of all, it is an artificial sweetener called xylitol. It is extremely toxic to pets.

Peanut butter often contains sugar, which can contribute to weight gain. In most cases, salt is added to the treat, which makes it high in sodium, as well as some fats, such as palm oil. Dog owners should check with their veterinarian to ensure that peanut butter is not off limits to their pets, especially those with health concerns.

Могу ли пси да имају путер од кикирикија

Although you should be careful when feeding this sticky treat to your dog, it’s not all that bad. Natural peanut butter is an excellent source of protein, vitamins B and E, and healthy monounsaturated fats, according to the AKC. 

There are many specialty peanut butter treats that your pet may enjoy. As with other treats, they should not exceed 10% of your daily calorie intake to avoid nutritional imbalance. 

If your four-legged friend is crazy about peanut butter, you can give it in moderation, carefully checking the composition and consulting with your veterinarian beforehand. Look for 100% natural unsalted peanut butter with peanuts as the only ingredient.

You can also make peanut butter at home by simply grinding the peanuts in a food processor. 

It is important to remember that nuts must be of high quality. Naturally occurring peanuts can sometimes contain a fungus called Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, which produces aflatoxins, cancer-causing carcinogens, according to the National Cancer Institute. Therefore, to reduce risks in the US, the Food and Drug Administration tests peanuts and peanut butter that are produced for people.

Everything should be in moderation. Due to its high fat and calorie content and the threat of aflatoxins, it’s best to limit even natural or homemade peanut butter to a rare treat.

Allergy to peanuts in dogs

Although this happens quite rarely, some dogs develop allergies to peanuts. They may even go into anaphylactic shock and have difficulty breathing, although such reactions are more often the result of an insect bite or medication. 

Sometimes allergies lead to facial swelling or skin reactions. If these symptoms are observed after the dog has eaten peanut butter, a veterinarian should be consulted immediately. It will help determine whether your pet has developed a peanut allergy or if these symptoms appeared for another reason. 

It is always best to check with your veterinarian before feeding your dog any food. Because both children and adults can be allergic to peanuts in humans, they should be careful when coming into contact with pets that may have consumed peanut butter. Traces of the nut can remain on the animal’s fur, which poses a real risk for people with severe peanut allergies.

How to give your dog peanut butter

Могу ли пси да имају путер од кикирикија

Here are some fun ways to treat your dog to one of the tastiest human foods:

  • Bring joy to the process of taking medication: If your dog hates taking medication, you can hide the pill in a spoonful of natural peanut butter. She will be swallowed in a second.
  • Delicious entertainment: You can use peanut butter to stuff the treat toy. Let the dog enjoy the process and taste.

Can you give your dog peanut butter? A pet who loves such a treat will not have to completely refuse it: the main thing is to make sure that peanuts are its only ingredient. And if you periodically intersperse yummy with healthy treats, the dog will be absolutely happy.

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