Анубиас Голден
Врсте акваријумских биљака

Анубиас Голден

Anubias Golden or Anubias “Golden Heart”, scientific name Anubias barteri var. nana “Golden Heart”. It does not occur in nature, being a breeding form of another popular aquarium plant, Anubias dwarf. It differs from the latter in the color of young leaves, which are colored in жуто зелена or лимун жуто боја.

Анубиас Голден

This variety has inherited all the best features from the Anubias family, namely, endurance and unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention. Anubias golden is able to grow in low light and in the shade of other plants, which is often due to its modest size (only about 10 cm in height). Can be used in small tanks, so-called нано акваријуми. It is not demanding on the mineral composition of the soil, as it grows on snags or stones. Its roots cannot be completely immersed in the substrate, otherwise they will rot. The best option is to attach to било design element using a regular fishing line. Over time, the roots will grow and be able to hold the plant on their own. A good choice for the beginner aquarist.

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