Амманиа Цапителла
Врсте акваријумских биљака

Амманиа Цапителла

Ammania capitella, scientific name Ammannia capitellata. In nature, it grows in the eastern part of equatorial Africa in Tanzania, as well as in Madagascar and other nearby islands (Mauritius, Mayotte, Comoros, etc.). It was imported to Europe from Madagascar in КСНУМКС-е years, but under a different name Nesaea triflora. However, later it turned out that another plant from Australia was already recorded in botany under this name, so in 2013 the plant was renamed Ammannia triflora. In the course of further research, it again changed its name to Ammannia capitellata, becoming one of the subspecies. In the course of all these renamings, the plant fell out of use in the aquarist. услед difficulties in care and cultivation. The second subspecies, which grows in continental Africa, opposite 2000-к gg gained popularity in aquascaping.

Амманиа Цапителла

Ammania Capitella grows along the banks of swamps and backwaters of rivers. Able to grow completely submerged in water. The plant has a long stem. Green lanceolate leaves are arranged in pairs, oriented against each other. In bright light, red hues appear on the upper leaves. In general, an unpretentious plant, if kept in suitable conditions – warm soft water and soil rich in nutrients.

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